Brilliant Mobile

Grow your List for Military Base Family Messages

✓ Easily capture the mobile number and email addresses of family members for simple communication.

✓ Promote events on base so families feel welcome and connected with their new community.

✓ Provide sign-up links so that help families and personnel can take action easily.

✓ Remind residents when an event or game is starting.

✓ Send out picnic, concert and family day invites to events.

✓ Cross promote other base happenings using the power of text messages.

Everyone wants to feel connected with their community, but the challenge is that most organizations use email or social media only, and if your inbox is jammed with too much junk, and your not ON social media all the time, you aren’t getting most of the messages and invites.
The brilliant way to share what’s important to your membership is the communication tool that has a 94% instant open rate…yep, you guessed it, it’s Text Messaging!

Use Brilliant Mobile to promote your Community and Business Events

With Brilliant Mobile, you can get started in minutes.
Best of all, you can start for Free – no credit card required to create your account.
We have DIY and Done-for-you packages, so we can set you up for success right from the beginning!